Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patty's Day at the Taylor House

We had a WONDERFUL St. Patrick's Day at the Taylor house.  On Thursday we sent our Teacher treats to school.  We are so LUCKY to have such wonderful people in our kiddos lives.  We can't say thank you enough for all they do so every time we get a chance we love to do something special for them.  We personalized green water bottles for them, put packets of peach tea inside and added a tag that said "Happy St. Pat TEA'S Day!"  The kids were so excited to take them!

On St. Patrick's Day the kiddos woke to a wonderful surprise...the Little Leprechaun had visited the Taylor house leaving behind lots of GREEN treats and chocolate gold.  He even left Lucky Charms for Conner, Kennedy and Claire to have for breakfast.  We ended our St. Patty's day with a homemade rainbow cake.  The kids had so much fun making it and were so excited to cut into it and see  the RAINBOW! 
Teacher Treats

Treats from the Leprechaun

Claire sporting her new socks and headband from the Leprechaun.

Leprechaun Conner and his Lucy Charms for Breakfast

Kennedy and her headband

Our Rainbow cake

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Up Next...Conner's Fist Communion

Ok I lied...the next event up at the Taylor house is Conner's First Communion!  We had to move Conner's birthday party out a week or two due to all that is happening in our lives, 3 in baseball/softball and First Communion. It has been a little hard for me to plan Conner's First Communion Celebration without making it to "girly" as Conner would say.  After searching blog world I came across the little Gentleman theme and ran with it.... I LOVE how the invites turned out!  I can't wait to share with you the rest of the details!!!  We are so very proud of our Little Gentleman making such a important sacrament in his life!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Oh to be 6 again!!! There was SO much excitement at the Taylor house yesterday...we counted down the hours until party time and then headed to the bowling alley for Kennedy's Birthday Celebration!!!! 

Ready to Party!!!


Cookie Party favors

Gumball party favors

Make a wish!

Her pink cast did not slow this bowling diva down!!!

Claire Bear got in on the Bowling action too!

THE BOYS...I think big brother Conner had just as much fun as the Birthday girl!

Kennedy and Mommy

The WHOLE gang!
Now time to start the party plans for the next birthday at the Taylor house...Conner turns 8!!! Party details to come soon.....