Well it is so hard to believe that Kennedy has graduated from 3 year old preschool and is moving on to 4 year old preschool and Conner is getting ready to move from Kindergarten to 1st grade! Where does the time go??? They both have had a wonderful year at SJS with WONDERFUL teachers! I wanted to share the gifts we made for their teachers for their end of year treats. I took mason jars and filled with M&Ms and attached a poem personally signed by my kiddos. I thought they turned out super cute and I just love the little poem:
Green is for the inspiration you give me each day.
Blue is for your patience in showing me the way.
Orange is for your warmth and caring style.
Yellow is for the way you always make me smile.
Red is for my life that you have touched this year.
You’re a very special teacher just like this jar, that’s clear.
You place knowledge in children’s hands
And melt into their hearts and lives forever.
You’re a “Magnificent & Marvelous” teacher!
Thank you for being my M & M!
oh this is so neat! I may have to steal this idea for Addi's Mothers Day Out teachers! where do you find such neat ideas?!