It seems like just last week I was working on Conner's 6th birthday letter and here it is now just days away from Conner's 7th Birthday! We can't wait to celebrate at his SHARK party but for now I will share his letter.....
Dear Conner,
An entire year has passed since the last birthday letter I wrote you. Every year when I sit down to write your birthday letter I want to write something inspirational, I pray for the right words, the right thoughts that will seriously and appropriately convey what it is I am wishing and hoping for you, while at the same time wanting so much to be able to reach in and touch your heart and hope that you hear me and know how much I love you.
Today you are seven years old. I remember that night seven years ago very vividly, when you came knocking at the door in the middle of the night, and over 2 1/2 weeks early. You were amazing, so tiny and perfect and beautiful and such a gift from God. Today, I can only say that rather than becoming less amazed with each passing day I have been more amazed by you as you have grown. The awe has never worn off, each day has brought more...more amazement in the unfolding gift of who you are, more amazement that God in his graciousness trusted me with the gift of being your mother. You being you has also deepened my love for your Daddy. I can see his love for you and his devotion to be the best dad he can. It fills me with love and warmth to see you two together playing, hunting, fishing, wrestling or just simply sharing each other’s company.
Know that I’ll be here for you on your path through this thing called life. You are the most incredible "work in progress." You have so much going for you. I love you so much. I love your loving nature, your worry about others, your inquisitive questions, your tears, your smiles. You have taught me how to love really love and appreciate every gasp I take in this sea of motherhood and life. You were that child, first born, who taught me to follow my heart and burn every parenting book. Although still sensitive you've mastered the ability to reason, building credible cases supporting your feelings. I hope you never lose touch with the ability to communicate your emotions, especially in a house full of head strong sisters. Just remember "stubborn sisters make stronger brothers.”
Sometimes I wish we could just stop time so that I can keep you as my little boy forever, but I do so love watching you grow up. You make me so proud, and I want you to know how much I adore, admire, respect and love, love, love you. Where ever your path will lead you in life I will always be two steps behind cheering you on.
I love you more than you will ever know this side of heaven.
Happy 7th Birthday Conner!
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