Friday, September 28, 2012

Claire's 4th Birthday Letter

As I mentioned in my previous post..IT IS PARTY CENTRAL at the Taylor House right now.  I have one VERY excited 3 ALMOST 4 year old on my hands.  We can't wait till our big DONUT party to celebrate with all of our friends and family!  Of course another birthday means yet another birthday letter.....My hope is to capture EXACTLY how I feel at this special time in my life and capture my feelings on paper for each of my kids to read some day when they get older. Yes, I tell my kids EVERY day how much they mean to me and how special they are but I NEVER what them to forget or doubt my feelings no matter how many parenting mistakes I make, and believe me I make a bunch....I hope my children always know that they mean the world to me and I am so happy to be their Mommy, BEYOND BLESSED!

My sweet girl,
Today, you turn 4.  Four years old!  My goodness!!  People  always say that your kids grow up too quickly, and while I feel as though I’ve been embracing our moments together from the beginning, it’s hard to believe that you first made your appearance 4 years ago.  But, at the same time, I can barely remember my days before you.  Where did I put all of this love that is now yours?  You have filled my heart so full, Claire, and you are a part of us that cannot be reversed.  I often marvel at how the Lord orchestrates things.  If your Daddy and I had not fallen in love, you wouldn’t have come into existence.  It is a great example for seeking God’s will and being faithful and following it.  Trusting Him and following.  Oh sweet girl, what a responsibility it is, to guide you through life and to pray that we do things well.  I pray that your little heart finds God at a young age.  There will be difficulties in this world, but I pray that your Daddy and I can help you to become a girl and then a woman who faces trials with the understanding that you are not alone and that this life is only the beginning…
My, how I love spending this life with you by my side.  I think I stop about 50 times a day to just marvel at you, because you never cease to amaze me.  You are smart, you are sweet, you are so gentle (except when it comes to bugs, you squash them like you’re a teenage boy), you are so cuddly.  You love to spend quality time together.  Yesterday, I overheard you outside on the porch with your Dad.  I could picture you swinging your little feet as you scooted a little closer to him.  I heard you say “so, what should we talk about”? My heart gets more and fuller whenever I hear such sweet things coming from your lips, which is a frequent occurrence. You’re so bright.  You pick up on things so quickly.  That’s your Daddy in you.  You have your Dad’s brains for sure, and I’m pretty sure that you inherited his sense of adventure.  You also love to be outdoors which is just another thing that I love about you.
You get stopped constantly when we’re in public, because of your big brown eyes and that curly hair of yours.  You have such an innocent and pure nature, that I’m not too worried about you getting a big head.  I’m just so proud that you’re mine.  You’ve got so much going for you little Claire.  You, my dear, I know will be something great throughout your life.  I’m not talking about occupation, you could be anything, and that’s not what’s important to me.  Whatever you do, I know you will be a light and a blessing to those around you.  It’s in your nature; it’s how God created you.  Oh sweet girl, I’m so proud of all that you already are.  And, I promise you that I will do all that I can to teach you and guide you and love you well.
You are my light, baby girl.  You’re growing up.  But somehow, everyday, I seem to love you more.  Here’s to your life; celebrating the past four years and looking forward to all that lies ahead for you.  I’m so glad that your Daddy and I get to call you our own.  Happy Birthday, baby girl!
I Love You Always and Forever Claire Bear!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Claire Turns 4...The Invites

We are in FULL THROTTLE  Party Planning Mode once again at the Taylor House!!! Claire is counting down the days until her 4th Birthday Party....she is just a little excited to say the least!!!  The invites are complete!!!! I am thrilled with how they turned out and am having so much fun with this theme.  I can't wait to share all the party details with you...but you will have to wait until after the party.  I don't want to spoil all the surprises!  We can't wait to share this special day with all our family and friends!