Things are very hectic around the Taylor house as we prepare for yet again another birthday party! Our little Claire Bear is going to be turning 3 in just a few days. I can't begin tell you how excited she is about her "Monkey Party"! (pictures to come for sure!)
Of course another birthday means another Birthday Letter as well so here it goes...
My Sweet Girl,
I have tried and failed no less than a dozen times this week to write down how I feel about you my precious Claire. This is what I finally have to say…..
When you were born, I was so taken by your blonde hair (what little there was of it) and those chocolate eyes; I couldn’t bear to look away. I forced myself to let other people hold you, if only to spread the joy that seeped from your pores. I now find myself having a similar experience. While you have grown from a helpless infant to an “I can do it” toddling toddler to the independent little treasure you are becoming, I have often held my breath, hoping I would know when to hold your hand and when to stand behind you with a little push. Please bear with me as I am still learning to do this!
I once read that motherhood is a constant journey of grieving and celebrating the transformations our children go through. I know you see and feel me grieving a bit when I try to hang on to you too much, to keep you my little girl forever, but I hope you also hear me celebrating too… celebrating you. ALWAYS know I am your biggest fan!
So much has happened over these last 3 years. I just don’t want you to grow up anymore. I’m looking forward to our future but I’m so sad for our present is turning into our past. I don’t want to miss any part of your life and the idea that I just want to sit and revel in every small moment with you knowing I can’t hurts. What doesn’t hurt is knowing you are in my life and that the last 3 years will surely lead to many, many more equally amazing years ahead. It is true you’ve taught me so much in the last 3 years and I hope that one day you may think I’ve taught you just as much. You were in my dreams just over 3 years ago and now you’re in my world, my life, and my heart. Words will never fully describe what you mean to me and how much you are a part of me. I can only hope that one day you’ll know this not because of what I say but because of what I am, what I do. You are this beautiful little soul. You have taught me that the amount of love that the heart can hold is endless…that just when I am certain that I couldn’t possibly love you more, you make my heart nearly explode. Everyone that stumbles across your path confirms what I believe. Your love completes us as a family of 5.
Happy Birthday Claire Bear!